Monday, April 2, 2007


It was great to see all my brothers and sisters again in sin city. We need to get together more often... Gia's first trip to Vegas Guess who? I like my Guinness... Grand master Baez Nice form Julia. Blue Domain party rocked, thanks guys. B- owling We have many leather bound books... Fitty ditty Brook. DJ Pfister in the house. Marcus... Parker and Marcus have a special relationship...don't ask! don't tell! Ed and Barbara Pierce, thanks for the calibration target. And of course Elvis...


Anonymous said...

Sweet Elvis, am I your first commenter? That rules. I hope I get a sticker.

Photos are great. Shoes are great. They're on Ryan, right? Do I win? What's the sticky note say? So many things to ponder.

m-r-schuhmann said...

Not! it's Joe Photo.
The sticky says "please reclaim your item at your next arrival gate".

Anonymous said...

dang. I still get a sticker, tho.


Anonymous said...

Is that really you in that last pix?